Nystagmus is a type of uncontrolled eye movements, at about one in 2,000 people, it is characterized by alternating bands of smooth eye movements in one direction and saccadic (abrupt, short) movement in the opposite direction. Movement is usually from one side to another, but sometimes can be a circular motion up and down or even. Nystagmus is not painful and do not lead to a progressive loss of vision in
Types of nystagmus
There are more than 40 different types of nystagmusbut they are usually divided into two basic categories: 1. Nystagmus is known from the start in life than early onset nystagmus and congenital nystagmus, they often accompany vision loss acquired at birth or soon after, and is perhaps one of the first signs that a child, loss of vision.
2. Nystagmus, which is developed later in life than acquired nystagmus.
Causes of Nystagmus
1. Early onset nystagmus: Pediatric Nystagmus can be caused by a problem with the eyes or causes theVisual pathway, from the brain to the eyes. This type of nystagmus is usually begin between 6 weeks and 8 weeks old and may be associated with albinism is observed, the optic nerve or retina problems problems. It is probably connected to genetic factors play a role and, in fact, doctors have announced recently, a breakthrough in the discovery of a gene with nystagmus, which is promising for future treatments.
Many patients do not have any eye, brain or other health problems andthese cases, the condition known as idiopathic congenital nystagmus (meaning that the nystagmus is not the beginning and the cause known, begins). Nystagmus with albinism there is a connection, with characteristics similar to idiopathic nystagmus is usually absent, but only after the age of 2 months. Nystagmus can also be found in children with Down syndrome.
2. Acquired nystagmus: Nystagmus can be acquired later in life due to neurological disorders such as head injury, multiple sclerosis or brainTumors. Nystagmus can also be caused by lesions of the cerebellum, in the area of the brainstem where the vestibular cranial nerve arises or continues in the vestibular pathways.
Signs and symptoms of nystagmus
Nystagmus is of reduced visibility, constant movement of the eyes is worse nodding with fatigue or stress, changes in visual acuity, sometimes with the head and often the head is connected, is at an angle, and the eyes are kept on one page (slow this is also the movementProvision of a zero-point and allows for better vision). Patients with nystagmus often have other vision problems such as astigmatism that require prescription eyeglasses, and strabismus. Binocular vision impairment is common with early onset nystagmus and depth perception is indirectly in many patients with impaired renal function.
The presence of a pale optic disc, or a history of progressive loss of vision, should suggest that the nystagmus is acquired and possibly by a new formation, the visualSystem.
Risk Factors
The following factors increase your chances for the development of nystagmus: a family member with nystagmus, albinism, ocular diseases such as optic nerve degeneration, severe astigmatism, myopia, or near, diseases of the body, such as Ménière's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, head injury, use of drugs such as Lithium or against the seizure of drugs, alcohol or drug use and infection of the inner ear.
Treatment for nystagmus
Currently, there areThere is no cure for nystagmus, however, for the first time, there are a greater number of researchers working on the health and genetic research in particular, a new hope.
Contact lenses have shown that some patients have nystagmus, probably because the actual contact with the eyes, leading to a better control of the horizontal nystagmus movement aids.
Prisms can be used to converge the eyes, causing the nystagmus.
Simple tests such as visual acuity can bemisleading, since it can reduce vision if the patient is under stress or has latent nystagmus with an increase in nystagmus in both eyes, one eye covered causes.
Biofeedback, the patient was informed of eye movements to a certain degree of control by the use of visual and audio effects reported that some people be beneficial.
Surgery, particularly tetonomy (cutting the eye muscles and reattaching them) has been used very successfully in the United States. Botox, baclofenand recently Mamentine and gabapentin are drugs that are currently being tried. There are reports of good results with acupuncture was.
Living with Nystagmus
Nystagmus can affect almost every aspect of life, including how a patient with other people, refers to educational and employment opportunities and self-image.
Most people with nystagmus throughout their lives will not be constantly through the moving image, as their brains were, has adapted to the movement of the eyes, but thewith acquired nystagmus can not adjust and can suffer from dizziness and vertigo.
Depth perception is usually considerably reduced, this can cause problems with balance and a perceived clumsiness.
Apart from certain parts of the United States, where optical devices are adopted, that may prevent people with nystagmus, a driver's license, so they rely on public transportation be a problem that may have entered uncharted territory.
Socially, because it is difficult for someone withNystagmus, eye contact, it can be a problem maintaining confidence. However, there are many people with the condition live a very successful and fruitful existence, easily adapt to their condition and building perfectly normal life.
For children with nystagmus, it is important that their teachers and fellow students will discuss how the state acts on them in order to avoid problems due to misunderstandings, too. Suppose, for instance, show children with nystagmusslowly because of the extra time needed to scan printed material. This should not be considered as a sign of poor reading skills. Students or students with nystagmus may need additional time to study and sit exams. Many students with nystagmus use computers, monitors, as they may be able to their own needs and brightness, adjust font size and so on.
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