High fever, vomiting, headache, fatigue, pain in the back, legs and neck, and convulsions are the most common symptoms. Sleepiness, irritability, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, rash, and sometimes also be present.
This disease usually occurs in children under ten years. Every movement of the patient causing severe pain, and a position with the head and neck bent backward and held rigidly is oftenadopted.
The earlier in the disease, the treatment is started, the better the results. The disease is much more separate and more often fatal in children under one years old are.
The older the child, the less complications, paralysis and varying degrees of brain damage. Since the introduction of antibiotics, the mortality has fallen dramatically.
Make sure that the bowel remain open and the use of herbal laxatives and colonclean as necessary.
Food should be very alkaline, and nutritious. A diet with fruits advisable.
Herbal Medicine
- Golden Seal:
Combined with skullcap and hops, it is a very good tonic for the nerves and is very good in meningitis. It is an antiperiodic, that prevents the repetition of the attacks of diseases.
"Side Effects"
Kills and neutralize toxins. Take not for a longer time without a break.
- Lobelia:
Lobeliais the most powerful of the relaxing herb known. It soothes the stomach, nerves, inflammation and lung (), as in a cough.
- Black Cohosh:
It is not just for the meningitis, but large dropsy and rheumatism.
"Side Effects"
It is great for blood pressure and your kidneys and liver. Because of the potency pregnant women should not take and it should not be taken for long periods without a break.
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