Saturday, January 29, 2011

Albinism - The People's Challenge - Chapter 1

This is Chapter 1 of 5 of video produced by NOAH. This documentary is about people with albinism, the challenges they face, and the paths they have chosen.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Albinism - The People's Challenge - Chapter 2

This is Chapter 2 of 5 of video produced by NOAH. This documentary is about people with albinism, the challenges they face, and the paths they have chosen.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

What is to correct astigmatism, and As

Unfortunately, even though quite often astigmatism eye disease that can occur both in adults and children, it is still not clear what causes astigmatism. Some experts believe that it could be hereditary and exists as such at birth. Some other causes include eye injury, bad posture or eye diseases. Since so many people are affected by astigmatism, the question "What is astigmatism?" is fair to ask.

So what is astigmatism?

Astigmatism isdesignated as so-called refractive errors of the eye and in most cases it is caused by changing the shape of the cornea. Cornea is responsible for refracting the light rays and if its shape is irregular, that will adversely affect where the rays before or after the retina, and so we talk about short-sightedness, farsightedness or retina takes a form of football, as we would talk astigmatism.

What are symptoms of astigmatism?

Some of theThe most common symptoms of astigmatism include blurred vision, eye pain, headache fatigue Should we experienced the above symptoms, it need not mean we are astigmatic, but it is always a good idea to go out ophthalmologist. Treatment options are for astigmatism Fortunately, there are several treatment options available, including surgical and nonsurgical. In some of the most non-surgical corrective lenses, while there are many different surgical procedures with the most popular with LASIK andLASEK in the other

How laser eye surgery work?

While there are many different laser eye surgery LASIK treatments are one of the most popular. It uses device called a microkeratome to cut a very thin flap of tissue from the front of the cornea. The term "cut" may be somewhat misleading. An excimer laser is actually machine, the laser beam on the eye should. It is said that this machine short intense pulse, the tiny amount of tissue removed by creating thefront of the cornea.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Baby albino whale

On the coast of Australia, a rare animal have been noted: a baby albino whale. The mother and white baby, not more than two months old, were probably looking for rest in the Bay of Perth.

Recommend : mesothelioma patient

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fleur's Vlog: albinism

NEMA rocks. You learn how stupid I sound when I do not plan on what to say or to edit, to be happy and prepared to see more intelligent. Woot! However, this is my random rant on albinism. Check out my links to RP. Yes, it's my life.

My Links : cerebral palsy symptoms

Saturday, January 22, 2011

General clinical evaluation of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat and neck of a newborn

Knowledge of the peculiarities of some parts of the body of the newborn safe to detect a very accurate clinical investigation or to differentiate between a healthy and a sick child.

Normally, the newborn keeps his eyes closed. It is best to begin the examination of the eyes by observing the lid edema, which is normally for the first 2 days after birth. A mongoloid slant, the lateral slope of the eyes with an inner epicanthal fold. could be a signDown syndrome, the eyes should be observed for symmetry and hypertelorism. The average distance between the inner distance between 2cm and 3cm or more is considered ocular hypertelorism.

Tears usually do not appear until the first or second month of life. Purulent discharge from the eye shortly after birth can mean by Ophthalmic neonatorum gonorrhea, chemical irritation or conjunctivitis caused within 1 h after instillation of silver nitrate appear, but should only last 24 hours.The doctor carefully notes and records of each discharge.

To make the surface structures of the eyes visible, the doctor holds the child in the supine position and gently lowered his head. The eyes are usually open, similar to the mechanism of the dolls' eyes. The sclera should be white and clear. The cornea is examined for the presence at birth, but usually not triggered unless the brain or eye damage is feared. The student usually speaks of confining light. Absence of pupillary particular by 3 weeks of age, suggests blindness. A solid, extended or constricted pupil may indicate anoxia and brain damage.

A user nystagmus is common after birth. Strabismus is a normal result of a lack of binocularity. The color of the iris is noted. Most light-skinned babies have slate gray or dark blue eyes, while dark-skinned children have brown eyes. Absence of color is characteristic of albinism. Although it is quite difficult, do a FunduscopicExamination of the retina, a red reflex should be triggered. The absence of red reflex may indicate the presence of retinal heamorrhages or congenital cataracts.

The ears are examined for the position, structure, function and auditory. The external ear is often flattened, a otoscopic examination is usually not performed, because the channels are filled with and mix in caseosa amnioti liquid. Sun Visualization of the drum difficult. Auditory sbility can be assessed by asharp, loud noise near the infant's head. Normally, the infant will react with a startle response or twitching of the eyelids. Since no changes in behavior can in response to a sudden noise indicate congenital deafness and should always be reported.

The nose is flattened, usually after birth, and bruises are not uncommon. Patency of the nasal channels can by holding his hand over the child's mouth and a channel, and given the unimpeded passage of air to be judged by theOpening. If nasal patency is questionable, it should be reported to him, because newborns are obligatory nasal breathers.

Thin white mucus is very common in newborns, but an opinion, bloody nasal discharge without sneezing is very common in newborn babies. Flaring of the nasal cavity is always worth noting because it is a serious sign of air hunger, shortness of breath.

Mouth and throat
The doctor checks the mouth to identify existing structures. The palate is usually high and archedsomewhat narrow, a common finding is Epstein's pearl small, white, epithelial cysts on both sides of the midline of the hard palate. They are minor and disappear in several weeks.

The frenulum of the upper lip is to introduce a band, pink tissue that lies beneath the inner surface of the upper lip and extends to the upper alveolar process. It usually disappears when the upper jaw grows. It is particularly clear when the baby yawns or laughs. The sucking reflex is triggered byPlacement of a nipple or tongue blade in the infant in his mouth. The infant should have a strong suck, strong. The rooting reflex obtained by stroking the cheek and the finding of the infant's reaction to the attention of the stimulated side and suction.

It is difficult to check the back of the throat. If the doctor tries to push the tongue, the child objects with strong reflex protrusion of the tongue. Therefore, it is best to visualize the uvula, while the child cries and the chindepressed. However, the suppositories may be withdrawn up and back on crying. Tonsil tissue is not usually seen in newborns.

The newborns neck is short and with folds of fabric. Requires proper evaluation of the neck so the head gently fall back into hyper-extension, while the back in a slightly elevated position is supported. The doctor determines the mobility, shape and abnormal masses.

My Links : mesothelioma patient

Friday, January 21, 2011

JJ's Magic Video 2 - Albino Fluke / Sexy Shad demonstration

JJ Polak demonstrates how JJ's Magic Garlic Dippin dyes to use color in an albino Fluke sexy shad.

Visit : life assurance quote

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Red colored contacts

Aqua contact lenses and red lenses contacts are usually worn as a party to compliment a Halloween costume. Select is the best color contacts to disguise the compliment your look and operate.

Those who are looking to go for a funky / creepy look usually wear red lenses. There are several reasons why people are interested in wearing the best color contacts in those days. The main reasons why people choose to be wearing colored contact lenses look like their favorite celebrity or attention.Aqua contact lenses and red lenses contacts are usually worn as a party to compliment a Halloween costume.

Red colored contacts are an effective means by a more realistic and frightening touch to your vampire or monster costume. Aqua contact lens fits quite the effect on Halloween costumes, but not be scary. These contacts are added in different colors and patterns, an increased effect on the costumes. Although objectives are to improve or correct eye vision of sports peoplecolored lenses as a fashion jewelry in those days.

It is not normal to have colored red eyes - people (with severe cases of albinism) with naturally red eyes (not the disease) normally have a deficit of melanin, the light makes the eyes look red in particular. Red lentils - one of the best colored contacts used in show business - are mostly in dramas or movies can be used to add the vampire effect. Since red lentils are considered rare, it might get a little hardof these lenses. Aqua lenses, also very popular in the show-business, are not so difficult to get everyone, and are readily available in the market.

Very often red colored lenses, the best color contacts during Halloween season or unusual wear parties are used. If such a frightening appearance is not in any of these parties, what you want to achieve, then move red colored contacts would be that precise effect. Red is a strong color, and it conjures up many strong emotions of love and passionEvil and war. On the other hand, add Aqua contact lenses ice cold touch of a button and "coolness" to costumes and parties with whom your appeal.

Visit : life assurance quote

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Albino Posse: the additional video

This shows pictures of Reddgirl's spot in ATL. Enjoy the view of these beautiful people with albinism.

Thanks To : cerebral palsy symptoms albinism mesothelioma patient

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Albino Alligator Training

Do not try this at home! In the tradition of Dr. Vliet "Realm of the Alligator" video, we have begun some training up close and personal with some of our animals. This is Candace, a reptile keeper at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park: It is her favorite exercise Albino Alligator, Mr. Bones.

See Also : buy health supplements albinism

Monday, January 17, 2011

Albinos & Fire's hatching! 09 Couplings 07 & 08

Albinos and Fireball on style ... I am with all my luck with the odds early in the season .... Justin J. Kobylka Kobylka reptiles

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Empty, shapeless, and in the darkness

Imagine described a life, people or situation by these negative words. I mean, they were some of the worst you can find in any dictionary, is. So when it fell in my mind that I use it as my theme this week, I knew that God lives on something specific and in some situations had to do. Empty means nothing in there, not all make sense, or remove what is inside. No substance. Informality means vague, formless, indefinable, and unclear. While darkness is the absence ofLight, ignorance, hopelessness, darkness, shadows, etc.

Now it is not about situations around you, which could best be described with these words? Read it again. As humans, there are not circumstances, events, parts of your existence when you look, you'll soon agree that they should not have been the perfect will of God? It looks hopeless, shapeless. You are not in control of the present and not quite sure what will be the future. This was exactlythe situation we found in Genesis 1:2, "The earth was empty, wrapped in a shapeless mass of darkness." It remained so until God did something to reverse the situation. And what did he do? He said the situation and immediately things began to change.

Now many theologians believe that there is a long gap between verse one and verse two of Genesis chapter one. In verse one, God made the heavens and the earth and when it came to verse two, said the Bible, the same soil, theGod had made a sudden void, empty, formless and was thrown into darkness. They believe that here the first earth that God had made a perfect and orderly creation, but something happened before it went into the chaotic state. What went wrong? They believe that Lucifer was the time for the devil and his angels Co-traitors were hunted down from heaven. You have to think of God's presence overthrow their creators banned. So, these very powerful and evil spiritscame down and distributed (or damaged) this beautiful earth so far, that God had made. It contaminates and left it in this very chaotic situation. God then came back to rebuild, to rebuild and continue its Project Earth.

And what can we learn from this hypothesis? No matter what happens to you, your projects, marriage, health, job, relationships, ministry, etc, it can still begin a process of recovery, reconstruction and even recreation. Yes, new creation! God is stillin the process of creation. I only have two powerful writings, among so many who support it. First, look at Isaiah 43:18-19.. "But forget all that, it is compared to what I will do remarkable because I do see a brand new, am I not already begun to see it! ? I find a way through the wilderness for my people will make coming home. I will create rivers for them in the desert! "Praise God!

Did you know? He said he would build again when the need arises.And he did. He created it for water through the rock. He created a way to express it through the Red Sea. He produced meat and bread for them in the desert and so on. God has created, does and will continue to create. After he sees the need, he creates. Or what do you mean the ram that Abraham has come used in Moria? Who was there? And for how long? Whose hands held the two horns? to Yes, God created and made it from that perspective. Go and read thatStory again. And he did not accommodate newly created Sarah's hormones, uterus, and organs, the promised Isaac?

Even today we still hear of people miraculously get the organs of her body revived, after the doctors have given up. Just a few days in Woolwich, south London, a black couple from Nigeria had a white baby. Blue-eyed blond curly hair. And it was not a case of albinism, or infidelity. The British genetic experts are still confused and do not offerExplanation for this very strange phenomenon. The Head of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford and the UK's leading expert Professor Bryan Sykes only succeeded in these words, "Extraordinary! ... The hair is extremely unusual. Even many children do not have blonde hair blonde like this at birth." God is still creating!

Then look also in John, chapter fourteen and verse fourteen. There, Jesus said that if you ask something in his name, he will do it. But it is not over. The originalText, adding that he would even that which you ask if they is not there. It should have read: "Yes, ask what in my name and I'll do it, even if it is not in existence, I will do it." Oho! This is for you God. He still creates. He is the solution that meets your needs, if the only way to create. You are His project, and he can not afford to leave this chaotic state.

Now begin this process of re-create what God has to do first? He beganAttack on the darkness. He ordered to appear light and it did. This was followed by other activities to create. God is going to illuminate your way from now. He will dispel all darkness of sin, satanic manipulation, bondage and failure in your life. He will dispel all the darkness of despair and doubt about you. I see the light of God, His word and power come upon you that you have to face new life, which so far remained empty, misshapen, is empty and in darkness. Startto pray now. Yes, it will start from now as you read this message.

To participate in this, you have a relationship with God and that can only be possible if you receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you. He is the Light and the Word of God that will illuminate your life and finally give shape and meaning. Without Him, you will still fall into gross darkness. Confess your sins to God today, they repent and begin to serve him. You can write to for further advice.God bless you! Until next week.

Tags : cerebral palsy symptoms

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The next generation of hair loss treatments

Recent scientific discoveries in the field of stem cells, tissue regeneration and growth factors on the day to make hair loss a thing of the past. How this is to read a hundreds of companies in the race, the first to deliver a consistent and reliable solution to the problem of hair loss.

The problem with scientific breakthroughs is that they take years, even decades, before settling into a product and be available to the public, if at all!

Large companiesBiotech and ridiculous amounts of legal and regulatory tires have to jump before it can convert a new discovery into a product.

They are still years away from their new breakthrough treatments to the market!

Fortunately, the Internet has instant and easy access to the scientific discoveries and patents for future hair loss treatments that large companies and biotechs are working on, but not be commercially available for many years provided!

Read this sentenceagain.

And one more time left to act!

Companies must register their patents are for the coming hair loss treatments, which have the blueprint for their products in the public domain!

And individuals with this information and their collective resources simply do not have armed the same hurdles.

Here, on-line communities have the upper hand.

Men and women from all countries and all walks of life, doctors, lawyers, scientists, CEOs, entrepreneurs andAverage Joe's have experimented and cooperation together to figure out what works and what does not for hair loss.

And the results are amazing!

These groups are literally years ahead of the curve! They are dissecting the information in patents and scientific studies and literally made the creation and application of knowledge in the comfort of your own home at your service!

Every once in a while there is an event that shifts boundaries and defines an industry. This isit for hair loss!

Tags : medicare advantage health plans

Friday, January 14, 2011

Albinos in Africa killed for their organs - 1

Music by Yellowman also albino Please check my channel for more of him in African albinos killed for their organs

My Links : mesothelioma patient

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oooh My First Vlog

Hey guys, this is my first Vlog. just me walking on about things. I talk about my albinism and homeschooling and promises to get the things. (This is like the third time I tried to upload these have now: S)

Tags : everything about life and auto insurance medicare advantage health plans rheumatoid arthritis information

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hiya guys! A new approach to Adorableness of albinism

a little intro to what we hope to become a new channel ... I apologize for the sound to do, I get the strong early. if you have any comments / questions let me know, you can follow me on Twitter: My Blog: I ask any questions, do not worry it is anonymous Ciao!

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Leading the Calvary - Albino Drake Mount - Short video shows his 50 Apadwe install target hitting get Albino Drake from achieving its Leading the Calvary mount.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dry skin Patchy - When is a skin disease to blame

If you are persistent dry skin, which not only seems to go away no matter what have to try the treatment, of course, it may be at work. They may suffer from a medical disease of the skin that requires professional treatment. Otherwise, medical treatment could result in your condition worse and more embarrassing to look obvious to the public. That's why you owe it to themselves to explore all possible causes of your dry skin before deciding on a treatment course.

One of theearly signs that your dry skin can be caused by a disease of the skin, the appearance of the affected areas. Skin diseases are often in dry, patchy, scaly skin segments, are located in damp, humid areas. Some of the most affected areas are the neck, elbow and skin folds. You may also have patches behind the ears and other parts of the body. The affected skin may itch and can have an extremely elevated or thickened appearance.

Dry skin andEczema

Eczema is a relatively common disease that can be quite embarrassing if it gets out of control. Dry skin can be associated with eczema thick, calloused and unsightly. The skin is affected by this suffering irritated, itchy and uncomfortable. Most cases of eczema only on small, selected areas of the skin, but when you get out of control, can it spread to large areas of the body cover.

While eczema usually appears first as a dry skin in childhood, it can suddenlyappear at every stage of life. If you suspect that you have eczema, you should talk to your doctor. You should also avoid the following things:

Dry weather

Low temperatures

Scratchy fabrics like wool

Certain lotions, perfumes and soaps


There are several treatments for eczema. The one that your doctor decides to treat your dry skin eczema primarily depend on how serious your condition is. Remember, there is no cure for eczema. Your doctorwill try to just keep your eczema under control and prevent flare ups. Here are some ideas on what types of treatments do you expect your doctor to prescribe:

* There are certain things in the environment like the above that trigger eczema flare ups and the dry skin associated with it mentioned. Your doctor will probably recommend you to avoid your known triggers, minimizing flare ups.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Update Caramel

See how our valuable Caramel Albino does. USA 715.845.5545

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Witch Doctors Killing Albinos Sale Body Parts

Read Ana's article on this story here: Vote for TYT every day at (through 12/13/2009) For more information visit and follow us on Twitter at twitter. com

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