Saturday, January 22, 2011

General clinical evaluation of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat and neck of a newborn

Knowledge of the peculiarities of some parts of the body of the newborn safe to detect a very accurate clinical investigation or to differentiate between a healthy and a sick child.

Normally, the newborn keeps his eyes closed. It is best to begin the examination of the eyes by observing the lid edema, which is normally for the first 2 days after birth. A mongoloid slant, the lateral slope of the eyes with an inner epicanthal fold. could be a signDown syndrome, the eyes should be observed for symmetry and hypertelorism. The average distance between the inner distance between 2cm and 3cm or more is considered ocular hypertelorism.

Tears usually do not appear until the first or second month of life. Purulent discharge from the eye shortly after birth can mean by Ophthalmic neonatorum gonorrhea, chemical irritation or conjunctivitis caused within 1 h after instillation of silver nitrate appear, but should only last 24 hours.The doctor carefully notes and records of each discharge.

To make the surface structures of the eyes visible, the doctor holds the child in the supine position and gently lowered his head. The eyes are usually open, similar to the mechanism of the dolls' eyes. The sclera should be white and clear. The cornea is examined for the presence at birth, but usually not triggered unless the brain or eye damage is feared. The student usually speaks of confining light. Absence of pupillary particular by 3 weeks of age, suggests blindness. A solid, extended or constricted pupil may indicate anoxia and brain damage.

A user nystagmus is common after birth. Strabismus is a normal result of a lack of binocularity. The color of the iris is noted. Most light-skinned babies have slate gray or dark blue eyes, while dark-skinned children have brown eyes. Absence of color is characteristic of albinism. Although it is quite difficult, do a FunduscopicExamination of the retina, a red reflex should be triggered. The absence of red reflex may indicate the presence of retinal heamorrhages or congenital cataracts.

The ears are examined for the position, structure, function and auditory. The external ear is often flattened, a otoscopic examination is usually not performed, because the channels are filled with and mix in caseosa amnioti liquid. Sun Visualization of the drum difficult. Auditory sbility can be assessed by asharp, loud noise near the infant's head. Normally, the infant will react with a startle response or twitching of the eyelids. Since no changes in behavior can in response to a sudden noise indicate congenital deafness and should always be reported.

The nose is flattened, usually after birth, and bruises are not uncommon. Patency of the nasal channels can by holding his hand over the child's mouth and a channel, and given the unimpeded passage of air to be judged by theOpening. If nasal patency is questionable, it should be reported to him, because newborns are obligatory nasal breathers.

Thin white mucus is very common in newborns, but an opinion, bloody nasal discharge without sneezing is very common in newborn babies. Flaring of the nasal cavity is always worth noting because it is a serious sign of air hunger, shortness of breath.

Mouth and throat
The doctor checks the mouth to identify existing structures. The palate is usually high and archedsomewhat narrow, a common finding is Epstein's pearl small, white, epithelial cysts on both sides of the midline of the hard palate. They are minor and disappear in several weeks.

The frenulum of the upper lip is to introduce a band, pink tissue that lies beneath the inner surface of the upper lip and extends to the upper alveolar process. It usually disappears when the upper jaw grows. It is particularly clear when the baby yawns or laughs. The sucking reflex is triggered byPlacement of a nipple or tongue blade in the infant in his mouth. The infant should have a strong suck, strong. The rooting reflex obtained by stroking the cheek and the finding of the infant's reaction to the attention of the stimulated side and suction.

It is difficult to check the back of the throat. If the doctor tries to push the tongue, the child objects with strong reflex protrusion of the tongue. Therefore, it is best to visualize the uvula, while the child cries and the chindepressed. However, the suppositories may be withdrawn up and back on crying. Tonsil tissue is not usually seen in newborns.

The newborns neck is short and with folds of fabric. Requires proper evaluation of the neck so the head gently fall back into hyper-extension, while the back in a slightly elevated position is supported. The doctor determines the mobility, shape and abnormal masses.

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