Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oculocutaneous albinism

Oculocutaneous albinism type 2 Centurion SA and RA Schwartz Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of hereditary skin disease caused by a general reduction of the skin, eyes, and Pilar pigmentation from the time of birth influenced. Oculocutaneous albinism type I and II are the most frequently described with several other species. A defect in the melanin synthesis pathway, which is a reduced formation of melanin is responsible for oculocutaneous albinism. The etiology, clinicalManifestations, diagnosis and management discussed. Oculocutaneous albinism introduction (OCA) is a group of inherited skin disease caused by a generalized reduction in the skin, eyes and pigmentation Pilar marked from birth. Thus, from their skin white to vary quite brown, but with reduced color, compared to affected parents or siblings. oculocutaneous Up to ten different types of albinism have with the type I (OCA1) and type II (OCA2) have been describedThe most common (1,2). Etiology32 Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 12, 2003, No. 1 albinism is known for hundreds of years. In the year 1895 drew Kaposi common albinism from vitiligo, poliosis (partial albinism) and an unusual type of albinism (semialbinism). Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 is the most common type of albinism, which at one in 37 000 whites, one in 15 000 blacks, and speaking in 3900 South African Bantu origin (3, 4,). As a generalization, individuals with OCA2have some ...

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