Thursday, April 7, 2011

Origin of White People Race (North European)

Further proof: similarities = Same Proto-Indo-European Language Group, Same Spinal & face shape, skull structure, social and linguistic Similiraties between DESI (South Asian, ie Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh) and Northern Ireland Europeans ... Southern Europeans from Spain, Italy and France, are not strictly Aryan, because between the albino and Desi Semetics be mixed ... during DESI's are separated by Arab and are a pure genetic group. East Asians have a geographicallyharder to spot mix genetics, .. I will not allow racist comments, thanks to this video ... white pride racist, can anything they want to get frustrated .. haha. white, black, big brother of Indian people, Albino, science, home, life, environment, home, racism, race, nation, entertainment, televisino, Culture, Celebrities, Hollywood, society, technology, gadgets, Android, Google, iPhone , albinism. and more ... It is not being racist actually the opposite of racism, but its definitely an eye opener

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