Thursday, October 7, 2010

What is sclerosis of the liver and can be a Drinker not Get It?

Question: What is the sclerosis of the liver?

Answer: sclerosis of the liver is more often known as liver cirrhosis. Liver sclerosis occurs when the healthy tissue in the liver starts to get replaced by scar tissue.

Some of the symptoms of sclerosis of the liver include: fatigue, impotence, weakness, nausea, edema (swelling of the legs and feet), ascites (an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen) and jaundice. But you know that many of these symptoms do not appear awareimmediately.

A doctor will diagnose the problem through a medical examination and blood tests.

The treatment of liver sclerosis is strongly the case. A patient's doctor may prescribe certain medications, and scar formation slowly. There are other safe, inexpensive things to do to a patient in order can slow the progression of the disease, such as taking certain vitamins and nutritional supplements, healthy diet and practicing stress-relieving techniques. Once the scarring is too severe liver failure and startsoccurs, is the only treatment liver transplantation.

Question: Can a non-drinker get sclerosis of the liver?

Answer: While one of the main causes of liver sclerosis is an overuse of alcohol, it is not the only cause. Other reasons why people have to be developed for hepatitis B, C or D, certain medications, elaborate toxins that cause infections, and with certain diseases such as hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease or Protoporhyria.

And of course,sometimes there are no answers to why someone gets it.

If you feel that you or someone you know may have sclerosis of the liver, you want to speak to a doctor immediately. The earlier you diagnose, the sooner you can the progression of scar formation. As the scarring gets worse, you feel sick to your stomach and legs will swell and be very uncomfortable and you begin to lose your memory, and very confused. Why get diagnosed early and startTreatment immediately not only increases your life expectancy, but it also increases the quality of your life.

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